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From ipyvizzu import Data, Config and Style and from ipyvizzu-story import Story, Slide and Step:

from ipyvizzu import Data, Config, Style
from ipyvizzustory import Story, Slide, Step


You need to put the Data object (described in the Data chapter) into the Story constructor. You can not alter the data later but the data being shown can be filtered at each step.

story = Story(data=data)

You can set the style used initally for the story as you can see in this example, and you can alter the style at each step within the story.

story = Story(data=data, style=Style({"title": {"fontSize": 50}}))


Check ipyvizzu - Color palette & fonts chapter and ipyvizzu - Chart layout chapter for more details on the available styling options.


ipyvizzu-story tries to apply the ideal width and height for the story, but you can also set them manually with the set_size method.

story.set_size(width="100%", height="400px")

You can also set the aspect ratio of the story. This will not affect the aspect ratio in full-screen view as that will be determined by the actual screen's dimensions.

story.set_size(aspect_ratio=16 / 9)

If you use the aspect_ratio, the width or height parameters can also be set, but in some environments, if you want to use the play method, it will only accept pixels.

story.set_size(width="800px", aspect_ratio=16 / 9)

Story properties


The usage statistics feature in ipyvizzu-story allows aggregate usage data collection using Plausible's algorithm. Enabling this feature helps us follow the progress and overall trends of our library, allowing us to focus our resources effectively and better serve our users.

We do not track, collect, or store any personal data or personally identifiable information. All data is isolated to a single day, a single site, and a single device only.

Usage statistics feature is optional, and by default, it is enabled (default value: True). Users can choose to opt-out if they prefer not to participate in data collection. Please note that even when this feature is enabled, publishing anything made with ipyvizzu-story remains GDPR compatible.

To disable usage statistics feature, set analytics property to False. = False


ipyvizzu-story requires and downloads the Vizzu JavaScript/C++ library from jsDelivr CDN, but you can also use a different or self-hosted version of it.

story.vizzu = "<url>/vizzu.min.js"


The default value of vizzu property is None, because the default version of Vizzu is stored in the vizzu-story package.


ipyvizzu-story requires and downloads the Vizzu-Story JavaScript package from jsDelivr CDN, but you can also use a different or self-hosted version of it.

story.vizzu_story = "<url>/vizzu-story.min.js"

Start slide

You can start the story on a specific slide via the start_slide property. You can also use negative numbers, where -1 means the last slide.

story.start_slide = 3