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The features of ipyvizzu-story that are available in Streamlit are marked with a green check.

  • Display the created Story (play method)

  • Display the created Story (_repr_html_ method)

  • Use fullscreen

  • Use navigation buttons

  • Set width/height of the Story

  • Export the Story into a html file

  • Get the html Story as a string


Run the following command in your command line in order to install ipyvizzu-story (visit Installation chapter for more options and details).

pip install ipyvizzu-story[streamlit]


Try ipyvizzu-story in Streamlit with the following sample.

# import ipyvizzu and ipyvizzu-story

from ipyvizzu import Data, Config
from ipyvizzustory import Slide, Step

from ipyvizzustory import Story  # or

# from import Story

# create data and initialize Story with the created data

data = Data()
data.add_series("Foo", ["Alice", "Bob", "Ted"])
data.add_series("Bar", [15, 32, 12])
data.add_series("Baz", [5, 3, 2])

# you can also add data with pandas

# import pandas as pd
# data = Data()
# df = pd.read_csv(
#     ""
# )
# data.add_df(df)

story = Story(data=data)

# create Slides and Steps and add them to the Story

slide1 = Slide(
        Config({"x": "Foo", "y": "Bar"}),

slide2 = Slide(
    Step(Config({"color": "Foo", "x": "Baz", "geometry": "circle"}))

# note: in Streamlit if you want to use the `play` method,
# you need to set the width and height in pixels or set the width to 100%

story.set_size(width="800px", height="480px")

# you can export the Story into a html file


# or you can get the html Story as a string

html = story.to_html()

# you can display the Story with the `play` method

Place the above code blocks into a python file (for example called and run the following command in your command line in order to try it.

streamlit run

Check the Tutorial for more info.