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ipyvizzu-story requires the ipyvizzu package.


ipyvizzu-story requires and downloads the Vizzu JavaScript/C++ library and the Vizzu-Story JavaScript package from jsDelivr CDN.


Run the following command to install ipyvizzu-story from pypi

pip install ipyvizzu-story

and this is how to upgrade it.

pip install -U ipyvizzu-story

You can use ipyvizzu-story in Jupyter/IPython, Streamlit or Python (see Environments chapter for more details).


You can install ipyvizzu-story in your notebook without using the command line by entering the following code into a cell.

!pip install ipyvizzu-story

If you want to install Jupyter/IPython as a dependency, install ipyvizzu-story with the following command.

pip install ipyvizzu-story[jupyter]


If you want to install Streamlit as a dependency, install ipyvizzu-story with the following command.

pip install ipyvizzu-story[streamlit]