Coverage for src/ipyvizzustory/storylib/ 100%
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1"""A module for working with ipyvizzu-story presentations."""
3from typing import Optional, Union, List
4import json
5import uuid
7from ipyvizzu import RawJavaScriptEncoder, Data, Style, Config # , PlainAnimation
9from ipyvizzustory.storylib.animation import DataFilter
10from ipyvizzustory.storylib.template import (
17class Step(dict):
18 """A class for representing a step of a slide."""
20 def __init__(
21 self,
22 *animations: Union[Data, Style, Config],
23 **anim_options: Optional[Union[str, int, float, dict]],
24 ):
25 super().__init__()
26 if not animations:
27 raise ValueError("No animation was set.")
28 self._update(*animations)
30 if anim_options:
31 # self["animOptions"] = PlainAnimation(**anim_options).build()
32 raise NotImplementedError("Anim options are not supported.")
34 def _update(self, *animations: Union[Data, Style, Config]) -> None:
35 for animation in animations:
36 if not animation or type(animation) not in [
37 Data,
38 Style,
39 Config,
40 ]: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
41 raise TypeError("Type must be Data, Style or Config.")
42 if type(animation) == Data: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
43 animation = DataFilter(animation)
45 builded_animation =
46 common_keys = set(builded_animation).intersection(set(self))
47 if common_keys:
48 raise ValueError(f"Animation is already merged: {common_keys}")
49 self.update(builded_animation)
52class Slide(list):
53 """A class for representing a slide of a story."""
55 def __init__(self, step: Optional[Step] = None):
56 super().__init__()
57 if step:
58 self.add_step(step)
60 def add_step(self, step: Step) -> None:
61 """A method for adding a step for the slide."""
63 if not step or type(step) != Step: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
64 raise TypeError("Type must be Step.")
65 self.append(step)
68class Story(dict):
69 """A class for representing a presentation story."""
71 def __init__(self, data: Data, style: Optional[Style] = None):
72 super().__init__()
74 self._features: List[str] = []
75 self._events: List[str] = []
77 if not data or type(data) != Data: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
78 raise TypeError("Type must be Data.")
79 self.update(
81 if style:
82 if type(style) != Style: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
83 raise TypeError("Type must be Style.")
84 self.update(
86 self["slides"] = []
88 def add_slide(self, slide: Slide) -> None:
89 """A method for adding a slide for the story."""
91 if not slide or type(slide) != Slide: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
92 raise TypeError("Type must be Slide.")
93 self["slides"].append(slide)
95 def feature(self, name: str, enabled: bool) -> None:
96 """A method for turning on/off a feature of the story."""
97 self._features.append(f"chart.feature('{name}', {json.dumps(enabled)});")
99 def event(self, event: str, handler: str) -> None:
100 """A method for creating and turning on an event handler."""
101 self._events.append(
102 f"chart.on('{event}', event => {{{' '.join(handler.split())}}});"
103 )
105 def to_html(self) -> str:
106 """A method for assembling the html code."""
108 vizzu_player_data = f"{json.dumps(self, cls=RawJavaScriptEncoder)}"
109 return DISPLAY_TEMPLATE.format(
110 id=uuid.uuid4().hex[:7],
111 vizzu_story=VIZZU_STORY,
112 vizzu_player_data=vizzu_player_data,
113 chart_features=f"\n{DISPLAY_INDENT}".join(self._features),
114 chart_events=f"\n{DISPLAY_INDENT}".join(self._events),
115 )